Wish you'd used Less Meeting to take notes for a meeting but simply forgot? It's hard enough running from meeting to meeting all day, having to remember dial-in codes and WebEx URLs.
Take advantage of meeting notifications to make it as easy as possible to fire up Less Meeting and start taking notes for your next meeting..
Why Use This?
- You're coming late from your last meeting & forget to open Less Meeting before the next one starts
- You can see ahead of time that your meeting is missing an agenda and quickly fill one in
- Or, you'd like a much simpler meeting reminder system than Outlook's
Outlook Users:
- If you're already using the Less Meeting Outlook plugin it will update automatically
- If not, just download & install the latest Outlook plugin
Google Calendar & other non-Outlook users can download the notification widget here: (coming soon!)
How to Use Notifications
There's not much to it. All of your meetings from Less Meeting will now automatically show a notification that you can click through to the meeting page in just one click.

And if you'd like, go to your taskbar to change when notifications appear.